Conversational Concerts

“Listen to and learn to understand music”

For media reports about conversational concerts click above

I have developed a whole series of conversational concerts and plan further ones.

Together with the audience, dimensions of both well-known and completely new compositions are explored, which are otherwise difficult to unlock, especially in view of today’s excessive presence of music in all places and in all media.

A discussion and sampling session is followed by a performance of the whole work, allowing the concert to evolve in what it ought to be: a shared ritual of players and listeners.

It is only within us that the experience of art emerges. Those who skillfully adjust their perception to the respective work, its language, period, stile, structure, the associations, inner conflicts, solutions, developments – can experience miracles. Musicians experience this during rehearsals. We would like to share some of this with our audience in an informal atmosphere. Insiders have always done this in exclusive circles, in Haydn and Beethoven’s times as well as in the salons of Romanticism. Today, in times of YouTube and Facebook, this seems more exciting than ever – and more necessary than ever.

Programs on request and in consultation with organizers see contact.