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Luigi Zoja: Männlichkeit und kollektive Gewalt
German Tranlsation from Elisabeth Zoja und Martin Mumelter
2. November 2019
18 Uhr
Pfarrkirche Mariä Himmelfahrt Landsberg am Lech
Vier Duo-Improvisationen Violine- Orgel und Musik für Violine solo von J. S. Bach
Martin Mumelter, Violine
Johannes Skudlik, Orgel
Book Reading at the Original Setting
aturday, 22 June 2019, 10:00 AM
Castle Bellermont near Bolzano
“Die Arien des Commissario Scalzi [The Arias of Commissario Scalzi]”
by Martin Mumelter and Magdalena Pattis
Bellermont appears in very different ways in this novel: as the home of the Lords of Wangen and the scene of a medieval crime thriller, as a wildly inhabited ruin at the end of the 20th century, as a restored attraction of today.
Normally private property, the castle will open its halls for a public reading on 22 June. I will describe the complex genesis of the book and read selected texts.
Admission is free. Because of the limited number of participants, the organizers ask for registration at

World premiere of the violin concerto by Adriana Hölszky (Dedicated to Mumelter)
Picture below: Applause after the premiere, from the left: Martin Mumelter, Adriana Hölszky, Bernhard Kontarsky, surrounded by the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra
“The highlight is the premiere of Adriana Hölszky’s violin concerto ‘Apeiron’: an exciting dialogue between the highly virtuosic soloist (Martin Mumelter), driven to the limits of the possible, and the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra (again under Kontarsky), acting in a continuum full of small, unsteady motifs and finely modelled gestures. The audience greeted the dazzling janus-headed work with jubilation.” Stuttgarter Nachrichten 23.7.18
(see picture on the left)

Teatro Stalla
Presented on 22 September 2018
in Venice
Anime Galleggianti in Piazza Dodecagono
At this exciting event, which was dedicated to the promotion of psychotherapy with animals, I contributed an extensive solo improvisation on equestrian motifs and other material from Bach’s works. A beautiful coal-black horse watched me, reacted with pointed ears to the music, moved gracefully, danced backwards and finally sat down in perfect posture on a large sofa – symbol of the dark soul that moves to the music and “sits down” in the truest sense of the word.
Infine lo Stradivari (…) di Martin Mumelter, che ha stregato il pubblico con il suo sensibile virtuosismo sottolineando inoltre la straordinaria performance del Cavallo che si Siede sul Divano
(… Martin Mumelter, who bewitched the audience with his sensitive virtuosity and furthermore underlined the extraordinary performance “Horse sitting on the Divan”.)
Details: HERE